"Hey what's up with that chick bat?"

It's been the burning question from most male players in the league these past few weeks: "Hey, can I use the big grey bat?" The answer is NO. Why? Other than it's stated in the rulebook that female players can use a bigger bat (provided by the league) it is just common courtesy. If someone like Josh Berletich is hurling a fastball at you from about 40 feet away - female players are going to need a little edge to give them a fighting chance. So far, the results have been good. Despite having a bat that is 3.5'' longer than the bat the male players use, none of the league's 4 female players have hit a single home run. So that should settle any developing arguments over the potential for fraudulent home runs on the part of the ladies. Thus far into the season everyone has done well by accepting this exemption for the ladies and hopefully it will continue to be that way.

Those of you wanting to know more about the HWL Ladies Bat, listen up! It's a MLB Powerhouse Bat. It's 33.5'' inches long and has a barrel nearly 1/3 times as big as the bat males use. It's received a favorable review from Stay-At-Home-Dad (S.A.H.D.) Wiffle, a trusted wiffle product review site (www.sahdwiffle.com). The guys at S.A.H.D. Wiffle seem to believe that this bat can hit balls significantly further than a lot of other bats. This may be true but so far the female players have been unable to use the bat's alleged 'power'. It was originally discussed at the beginning of the season that struggling male hitters would be able to use the bat as well but that has since been struck down. Most of the league's male hitters have been making due with the Sandlot Stick just fine. It could have been worse - men were supposed to be using the original yellow skinny bat...

But if female players were suddenly not allowed to use the MLB Powerhouse bat, what would happen? We can only speculate but a good guess would be that the batting averages of female players would go through the floor. The lack of success at the plate could cause discouragement and losing the players altogether. While there are athletic women who can go toe-to-toe with male athletes, most women are slightly disadvantaged at sports. They are shorter and thus have a shorter swing. Half of the female players in the league have little to no prior sports experience - they need the boost. So be a gentlemen and let the ladies have this one advantage.


  1. Does this mean I get to use a Captain Caveman bat?

  2. Ok Litton your problems do not come from the bat but rather the form you use swinging. Ask me at the next games and I'll work with you to get a better form. No excuses you are a big guy, you should be a feared hitter.

  3. Kyle is right, Jeremy. You've got a lot of potential as a hitter. The fact that you've made contact almost every at bat and rarely struck out this year shows that you've improved greatly since the 2011 season. But if you bring a Captain Caveman bat I will probably laugh until I lose control of my bladder.

